There is so much goodness happening in the world every day. Here are some of the people and things that currently interest and excite me. I hope you'll find them compelling, as well.

Do you know what you really, really want? Let's figure it out.
The 2014 igolu Road Show Comes to Denver
Susanne Conrad, founder of igolu and the director of possibility at lululemon athletica, is bringing the transformative igolu vision and goals work on the road. Don't miss this rare opportunity to experience her in Denver!
Thursday, August 7
5:30 - 6:30 happy hour/networking
6:30 - 9:30 workshop
The Colorado Auto Dealers' Association has generously donated their beautiful venue for this event!
290 East Speer Boulevard, 80203
igolu (yeah, like "I goal you") is a body of leadership work developed to help people design the highest and best vision and goals for their lives and to help others do the same. By attending this workshop, you can expect the following:
Greater choice over the personal legacy you are creating
Further clarity on what could prevent you from achieving the life you really want to live and how to shift this
A heightened sense of how your body's subtle cues can help guide your vision and goals keep you above the line
A clear understanding of how to author your own vision and goals from "above the line"
A first-hand experience of tithing to an amazing cause: all proceeds from the igolu Road Show will go to support building a school in Ethiopia with imagine1day USA. Susanne and the road show support teams tithe their time; you tithe your money while gifting yourself the time, focus, and FUN it takes to declare the life you really want.
Make the commitment to yourself now and click here to register!
For more information on igolu and what it's all about, please visit the igolu website.
To learn more about our cause, visit imagine1day USA
Download and share the event flyer here!
This event is being happily produced by Genuine Enterprises.