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In the deepest sense, authentic generosity is not transactional, it's relational.


And it's mutual. In our wildest and best dreams, philanthropy is not a one-way flow of gifts from "donor" to foundation to cause or recipient; rather, the giver gets to have a direct, emotional, experience of her generosity. She gets to genuinely know, firsthand, the impact of her gift. To see it. To feel it. As a result, a sense of community, of belonging is forged. And everyone involved is lifted up.


Our partners are investing in our mission, or organization, our goals, our ideas. Are we re-investing in them? How can we discover what holds meaning for them? For what would they hope to be remembered? How can we engage their hearts and their minds in our mission? What can we give back?


Meaning. Significance. Joy. Surprise. Loyalty. Caring. Love. Clarity. Power. Creativity. Belonging. Impact. Appreciation. Authentic generosity. Satisfaction beyond wealth.


How can Genuine Enterprises be of service to your foundation?


  • Let's be clear: Defining vision, mission, values, and strategy for your foundation

  • Let's explore what's possible: Planning and conducting feasibility studies

  • Let's connect people to their gifts and our mission: Designing creative stewardship plans and donor experience maps

  • Let's celebrate outrageous generosity: Creating ceremony, celebration, and ritual to honor your most important partners


Let's create belonging through generosity.


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